
“These giants of the forest are sometihing to behold. Some have been growing for thousands of years, and each tree conatins its own story of the centuries’ long struggle for …

A long walk.

  An interesting phenomenon came to me     again this past weekend while walking in Seattle. It seemingly takes longer to get somewhere when you are unsure of the …

“Cruise Control”

This week the cruise control went out in my car. Now, I drive an Olds Cutlas Ciera 1989, so having things go out is not too surprising. I really only …

Cruise Control

This week the cruise control went out in my car. Now, I drive an Olds Cutlas Ciera 1989, so having things go out is not too surprising. I really only …


Here is a song by Casting Crowns on of the hottest bands in Christian Music today! Powerful lyrics and presentation! Have a blessed Easter,

Getting there

“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” – Les Brown