In science the ripple effect is found in liquid and ground and air. A point of impact or movement creates waves that move outward from the center in rings. The picture above shows the waves from a tiny water drop in a puddle on the ground. The ripple effect can be a good thing or a bad thing.
While this phenomena in liquid and sound is good, there is also a negative result as seen in the devastation of earthquakes.
Our lives have a ripple effect too. Often times we are unaware of the impact our words or actions might have. Words we say or actions we carry out can affect those around us to expand on what we started. A negative comment about someone can spread out rapidly from the point of beginning and damage a persons reputation in very little time.
A kind gesture or word though, can also spread outward and bring about a much more pleasant outcome. Think of pay it forward at your local coffee shop drive-thru. Generosity often creates this same kind of pattern. One of the things our family like to do during the holiday season, which is fast approaching, is participate in Operation Christmas Child. This is a non-profit ministry of Samaritan’s Purse that collects shoe boxes full of schools supplies, toys, games, candy, etc. and sends them to kids around the world who have so little.
What kind of a ripple effect do you want to create? Where can you get involved to create a positive ripple in your community? What if we all were to take a little more time to respond to those around us, to give a timely word of encouragement, or offer a helping hand? How far would our ripple expand?
“A [person] has joy in an apt answer, And how delightful is a timely word!”–Proverbs 15:23
I like the above picture of the ripple because he colorfulness of the photo makes me think of the beauty in the variety of the people around us.