GENEROSITY. Ever played a word-find game? I loved playing them as a kid. My brother and I competed fiercely at coming up with a series of smaller words from one larger word or combination of words.
I attended a vision-casting event this week for a new church called Emmaus Road starting in Stanwood, Washington. Mike Satterfield, an exceptional, engaging Bible teacher, is the senior pastor of this start-up. If you live in the area and are looking for a church home I highly recommend Emmaus Road. If you are unable to visit this church I highly recommend checking them out online at www.emmausroad.tv.
Generosity is a theme of Emmaus Road Church. Consequently, they practice showing kindness and a readiness to give sacrificially of their time, money, and services. I thought a blog on a word-find game of “Generosity” would be a fun way to talk about that word.
Generosity can be taught. However, I believe some people are born with a generous spirit. Maybe there is a GENE? “YES” is what people say when asked to give of their time, money and resources. We often read a STORY about how people were changed by the generosity of others. Hand-written NOTES can communicate this virtue. When done well it is NOT NOISY, NOR is it STINGY, TERSE nor is it about GET. It should not make you TIRE or become SORE and it definitely shouldn’t make you NOSY! It is about giving, things like TOYS, RINGS, or a ROSE. Take NOTE, becoming a generous person will bring REST to your soul!
I hope you enjoyed this unique approach to talking about this virtue!
By the way, I GOT 46 words in my solo round. How many words can you find?