Today, President Obama commuted the sentences of 214 inmates! It was the largest single day on record for commuting sentences! I want to applaud the president for this action. All presidents have this ability and traditionally do carry out this action of commuting sentences of inmates who they feel are being incarcerated for their crimes longer than necessary.
As a Life Coach, I want people to see their value in life and to pursue the dreams they have to become some one who contributes to society and makes something of themselves. This practice of commuting sentences is a great example to all of us that mistakes in our past do not have to define our future!
Too often I think, many of us hold back on what we really want because of situations in our past. We don’t speak out against the horrors of abortion, because we have had an abortion ourselves or we lived a promiscuous life. We don’t pursue writing a book because we were never that good in school. Our dreams of achieving greatness and quashed because we grew up feeling very self conscious.
Commuting sentences of inmate gives many of these individuals the opportunity to achieve what they were born to achieve! Had I been blogging for the past 45 years I might have commented on this practice for all the Presidents I have lived under, but as I have only been blogging for a little over a year This is my post on this subject.
Thank you Barak Obama, for giving 214 individuals the opportunity to change the trajectory of their lives, to make something of themselves and to make this world a better place!
I will leave you with this great video of Bob Marley’s Redemption Song.
Here are a couple lines of the song:
“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our minds.”
Tot the 214 inmates whose sentences were commuted today, take what you have been given, embrace your freedom and do the things you have dreamed about from your youth! Make a positive difference in this world. You have been given a second chance! Make the most of it!