Beyond You

Do you have dreams that seem Beyond You or out of reach? Places you would like to go? Careers you would like to have? A service you would like to offer someone?…I know I have dreams that seem or have seemed Beyond Me, and I assume you do too. What do we do with these dreams?  Where do these dreams come from? Are they something you came up with on your own? Do we just let these dreams die? Sometimes our dreams are things we came up with on our own, but more often than not I believe that these dreams are given to us by God for a reason. I don’t believe in letting these dreams die either. Relying on God and the people and organizations around us I believe you can fulfill them. Sometimes realizing our dreams requires overcoming obstacles that stand in the way.  Utilizing the tools at our disposal and continuing to move forward toward the dream will help us get there. As we will see in the video today for the July 6th edition of  Mondays Motivating Modern Media (4M), our dreams can be given us by God for purposes way beyond us at times.  I love this message and this video, Toby Mac does an excellent job of presenting this concept of feeling like our dreams are out of reach, but realizing with God’s help that we can still achieve them.  The important lesson to take from this too is that in realizing our dreams it often is not a solo effort but takes a team approach.

Don’t know if you caught the last 4M post featuring Mandisa (if you missed it:, but I felt this would be a good follow up to that message about overcoming.  (for one, Toby Mac is mentioned in Mandisa’s video as playing “on the radio”, and because these two artists have done quite a bit of collaboration)