Today is the beginning of the Advent season! In Western cultures it is the season immediately preceding Christmas. The meaning of the word Advent is: to arrive, happen; to come. The use of this term in the Christmas season is in anticipation and preparation of the coming of the Christ Child. The Israelites were anticipating, waiting and preparing for the birth of their Messiah!
While many today still celebrate the Advent season, as a Life Coach I find the Advent season very influential in the lives of clients. We get our word Adventure from this root word of Advent. Our journey through life is often an Adventure. Just as in this season of Advent for people wanting to pursue life transformation, life change, or just learn new skills there is a time of preparation. Preparation and anticipation of the future blessings that are to come.
One of the definitions of Adventure is: to proceed despite danger or risk. Again, in life, the choices we make for life transformation may be risky. While our minds are drawn to safety and comfort very little if anything is gained when we live our lives in safety and comfort. Risk is what brings success, risk is what builds confidence, risk is what brings great reward.
One passage in the Bible that stands out to me at the moment in relation to risk is the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30. A wealthy man going on a journey gives his servant 5 talents, 2 talents and 1 talent respectively. The servant with the 5 talents risked and gained 5 more through trading. The servant with 2 talents risked and gained 2 more through trading. The servant with the one talent was afraid and didn’t risk and ended up burying his 1 talent. When the master came back he rewarded the first two servants for their work and their success. Yes they had risked, but that risk paid off. The were anticipating the results and the made preparations for the results and that is what they received! The servant with the one talent was rebuked for his fear and had his 1 talent taken away.
As we move toward Christmas this year, think about the anticipation and preparation the Israelites had for the Christ Child. I would like you also to think about your goals and dreams. What would you like to accomplish this coming year? What preparations do you need to make to get the results you are after? What risks are necessary for you to succeed?